Supervision, Consultation, Education, Training

Clinical Supervision

Clinical Supervision is available to all qualified mental health professionals. Usually clinical supervision involves and on-going process. The professional self of the supervisee requires mirroring and selective re-inforcement and over time supervision foster's a self reflective stance. Through developing an empathic grasp of the the strengths of a clinician /supervisee, Supervision helps a clinician to identify both their strengths and their weaknesses and how to respond to then in a positive manner. Ultimately supervision results in the supervisee establishing their own sense of their particular clinical style and focus and leads to an ability to recognize important diagnostic and prognostic indications through a broadened ability to observe and understand their own reactions to clinical work.

Clinical Consultation

Clinical Consultation is provided to individuals, organizations and businesses, as a response to a variety of personal and systemic issues. Usually clinical consultation is sought, when a particular problen or issue has developed with a psychic, interpersonal or organizationsl system. but the cause and /or the solution to the problem or issue is not readily apparent. Consultation will first help to clearly identify and explain the problems and/or issues and the factors sustaining them; then to provide practical ways of addressing or solving them.

Education and Training

Therapist as Selfobject

This training addresses the use of the person of the therapist, in the service of providing self esteem homeopstasis for those who are particularly vulnerable to self esteem lability and therefore to mood lability. Due to developmental deficits and /or trauma, it is the impairment in object and selfobject relations which create difficulties for many, in tolerating the emotional rigors of in depth psychotherapy. Therapists who understand the selfobject dimension of experience will be better prepared to provide selfobject functions capable of assisting and supporting clients through difficult phases of treatment. This often results in ameliorating the deleterious affects of transference resistance and preventing pre-mature termination. A deeper and broader working through of the core injuries associated with developmental deficits and trauma is thus facilitated.

Self Psychology and Recovery

This seminar presents a psychodynamic/developmental theory of addiction and recovery. Participants will be introduced to the multiple factors involved in the etiology of addiction. The psychological factors will then be elaborated in greater depth from an intersubjective dynamic/developmental perspective. The compensatory psychic functions performed by various psychoactive substances will be explored. Therapeutic approaches to responding to the internal deficits which are indicated by and correspond to these compensatory functions will be elaborated and role played.